Donald Trump should be allowed to run for office again

Anthony Grimley
2 min readMar 1, 2021

I think that Trump should be allowed to run for office again! Not only that, he should run and he should win! In the United States, anyone is allowed to run for President as long as they haven’t already served 8 years. Making new laws because some libs don’t like the President is just crazy nonsense. It’s crazy enough that they had a second Trump impeachment trial after he was gone just because they knew how strong he was.

The truth was that the Trump immigration plan was working! With a water shortage, a job shortage, and a housing shortage, how can we afford to let anyone else in? It’s just common sense and that’s what the libs hate to see. Their academic “solutions” never work and just make America weaker. Look how much weaker we were under Obama than we were under Trump.

And, let’s face it, we all know Trump won the election. Never before has the government literally not allowed the questioning of an election. I mean, they questioned Trump’s election for a full four years and now no one can question this one for 10 minutes without it being an act against the state? That’s tyranny!

The real question is why the Dems are so scared of the people. The people want Trump and voted for Trump (again, Trump WON), but they will do anything they can to keep all the power in their hands. Just like they did with Bernie when they wouldn’t let him win the primary. Everything they have done in the last two elections shows they only care about power and nothing else.

The Trump immigration plan would have worked. Biden’s will ruin America. And the Dems also just pissed off a lot of Republicans by not only censoring us but now taking away our right to a free election.

If Trump does run and win again, you know there will be like a million more Trump impeachment trials until the Dems finally succeed in forcing their fascism on the American people. And what will we be left with then? No freedom, no love, no religion, and no hope.

