Is Donald Trump facing jail time in 2021?

Anthony Grimley
2 min readJun 7, 2021

Will Trump face jail time? Are you kidding me?

As much as these politicians want to act like they are good, moral people, every single one is a crook. They are all corrupt and they all know it.

And, in the end, that’s why he won’t go to jail. Because if they put him in jail, then they know they could be next. They know that enough is out there on them to be a big problem. And they know that one person going to jail, even if it’s Trump, will lead the way for someone else to go to jail.

And that they can’t have.

What they will do instead is try to make him look guilty in the eyes of the public. They may try for another commission or other investigative body or they may just talk to the news about it constantly, knowing the other side won’t get coverage. But they will do their best to make him look guilty. Because their biggest fear isn’t just Trump, it’s Trump winning again.

That’s the one thing they can’t have.

But they also can’t have him go to jail. That would be too far and make it unsafe for them as well.

The other possibility is they actually have an investigation, knowing they aren’t going for any actual guilt. This way, they could lay out all evidence to the public and try to ruin his chances at being elected again. Then, after it’s done, they just wrap up the case and move along.

Don’t get me wrong. They will say they want jail time. They will scream it at the top of their lungs and from the highest rooftops. They will shout and wail and try to get everyone pissed on social media.

And they know they can do that because he’ll never actually go to jail. It lets them look good without really doing much of anything.

Remember people, this is politics. It’s all about lying and manipulation. That’s all these people really know how to do. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they are good people just because you hate the other side more.

