Why is President Biden trying to create gun control laws?

Anthony Grimley
2 min readApr 12, 2021

Biden is pushing for gun control laws for the reason every stupid liberal politician pushes for gun control laws…power over the populace. They know that citizens that aren’t allowed to defend themselves can easily be led and manipulated. Just look at every communist and socialist country in history. They also wanted gun control…and you can see what that led to!!

The crazy thing is just how hypocritical liberals have become about this. Just look at New York. They are run by liberals who are anti-gun and those same politicians pushed to defund the police last year. This, of course, led to more violent crime in the city. And what are city leaders telling people to do? Get involved and help your fellow citizens who are being mugged or assaulted. But they want them to do it without guns. That means you have a government literally stopping the group that protects people, then telling them to protect each other without the weapons needed to do so. Makes no sense!

And there’s a reason Biden had to use a dictatorial Executive Order to get his gun control agenda. There is no way he’d get it past Congress. Because the American people don’t want gun control. If they did, we would have it already.

That’s why Biden went the route of a dictator. Instead of letting people vote or even trying to get it through Congress, he decided that since he didn’t like it, he could just snap his fingers and change America in his own image. This is not how a President acts!! It’s not at all normal to sign so many Executive Orders in the first place and definitely not normal to do one for an issue as big as this.

It can only come down to one thing; control. All politics are a mixture of control and manipulation. Biden and his admin are doing both over and over here. But what they aren’t doing is getting to the heart of the matter.

Because people used to have guns around all the time and didn’t start shooting people. That proves it’s not the guns. It’s something else. But instead of looking into what is making our society so freaking crazy, the Dems push for more control.

Just like they always do. Every damn time!!

